Curing Diseases Through Your Diet

Every week, news stories reveal that taking a particular herb, food or supplement can have a positive effect on our health. Many diseases can be reversed, controlled and cured if we change the way we eat or through other natural means.

Doesn't it make sense to learn how what we eat can help prevent and even cure such diseases. This blog is dedicated to providing such information directly and through valuable links and other resources.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Smokers, Detoxify Your Lungs!

If you've been smoking for more than a year, your lungs now look like the chimney of a factory - charred and black with smoke, dirty with sticky residue of nicotine and tar.

You probably think that when you are smoking, you blow out most of the smoke you take in. In reality, however, you exhale only 10% of what you inhale. That means 90% of what you puff in gets lodged in your lungs!

There are real health concerns about all this gunk that is filling up your lungs:

After just 2 years of smoking...
  • You're 12 times more likely to die of lung cancer.
  • You're 10 times more prone to lung diseases.
  • You're 10 times more susceptible to cancer of the larynx.
  • You're 6 times more prone to heart diseases caused by high cholesterol levels.
  • You're twice as likely to die of a stroke.
But you can detoxify your lungs and doing so can help you QUIT SMOKING. There is a combination of the right food supplements, vitamins and exercise that can rinse out the toxins from your lungs in less than 1 year. (Normally, it takes 15 or more years to clean your lungs out, if you manage to quit smoking)

There are natural products that can:
  • Act on your tar-filled lungs in the same way as soap acts on grime - and wash away years of collected debris.
  • Act as an antidote to nicotine and thus stop your craving for a puff.
  • Help you get rid of plaque, thereby reducing cholesterol levels in your blood.
  • Help decrease the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
  • Help you shed excess weight.
  • Act on all your systems and detoxify your whole body in an effective and healthy way.
If you want cleaner lungs, if you want to stop smoking, if you want to live a longer, healthier life, please visit, today.

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