Curing Diseases Through Your Diet

Every week, news stories reveal that taking a particular herb, food or supplement can have a positive effect on our health. Many diseases can be reversed, controlled and cured if we change the way we eat or through other natural means.

Doesn't it make sense to learn how what we eat can help prevent and even cure such diseases. This blog is dedicated to providing such information directly and through valuable links and other resources.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

No Colds for the Last Two Years Plus!

With the weather turning cold and snowy across the country, people are becoming concerned about colds and flues. We tend to get more severe colds during the winter months, in part, because of a change in our metabolisms, and, in part, because we are more likely to encounter people in closed spaces (keeping warm) and have more chances to spread viruses.

I was checking my health journal the other day and realized that I am now approaching my third winter without suffering from a major bout with colds or flues. I have one or two day during the last 2 and half years where I may have had a cold, but nothing symptomatic that lasted longer than that.

What have I been doing right? I have been eating better, getting regular exercise and taking my various vitamins, but I started doing something two plus years ago that I think I can now say has made a difference.

I began to wear a pair of Alex Chui's Immortality Rings. This is a set of two rings with magnets that are worn on the pinkie fingers while sleeping. Their purpose is to maintain one's health and reverse the aging process. While it is hard to quantify that may cells have gotten younger. I am over 54 and can say that my face has no new wrinkles, my hair is the same brownish color and my joints seem to ache less often. Still immortality is hard reach until you lived a long time.

But on the health front, no colds and flues for such a long period of time is remarkable for me. And I am beginning to give the Immortality Rings the credit.

If you are interested in finding out more about Alex Chui's Immortality Rings, Click here.

I recommend the Immortality Neodymium Rings as they are more powerful.

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